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Fellow Forex Trader,
You have absolutely got to remember…
Forex goes TWO ways: when one person loses; another person wins.
It’s not like some lottery, where the money gets ‘rolled over’ for some random, lucky bugger to pick up the next week.
Forex is FAR from random.
You see, you might think it’s ‘the market’ that’s gobbling up your money, but it’s not. The ‘market’ is just numbers going up and down. It can’t do squat.
The truth is: as you pour your money in, you can be sure as hell that someone is there on the other side to catch it as it comes out.
And today, I’m going to explain how to make sure it’s YOU who’s there to catch it as it comes out.
I’ve got to be honest, though…
Because at some point in the past – when you hit a loss with your own forex trading – it might well have been me who was on the other side, ready to catch your money.
A tip-off would have flashed up on my screen…
And it would have told me that people were buying Euros against the Dollar or maybe selling the Pound against the Yen.
So me, and a handful of other traders who got the very same tip-off, would have watched as people risked their money…
We would have waited until they weren’t looking…
And then we’d have gone against them and sucked their account dry.
It’s not pretty. In fact… it’s down right DIRTY.
But it’s completely legal and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
That’s simply how it is…
You can either cry about it…
You can quit forex altogether…
Or… YOU can ‘trade dirty’ too.
You can get your own back on the city insiders – just like me – who are literally playing the system to take your money.
In fact, this is YOUR CHANCE to stop losing and start using forex like you wanted to in the first place… to make
a bit of extra cash each week.
And this might make you gag in disbelief, but the truth is…
I’m the one who is going to show you how.
“When you spot your first tip-off that a ‘rigged trade’ is underway, your only challenge is to not feel guilty when you profit”
Look, I’m going to ditch any pretence here and talk openly. The truth is I’m going to show you how to ‘trade dirty’.
By leaking this information to you, I’m giving you a chance to be one of the people who win.
Simple as that.
Whenever you do win, you need to remember that you pocket a profit at the expense of someone else.
How YOU deal with that fact is up to you.
Personally, I think the risks of forex trading are made very clear to everyone who does it and therefore I have no
qualms about taking money off people who do it badly.
If that upsets you, stop reading. It’ll only get worse.
But if you’re with me on this and you’re fed up of losing money on forex because you’re not being told the full story…
Then look, I’m just going to bloody well show you how this works. In fact, here’s a perfect example…
I was actually a little hung-over when I got this tip-off and I nearly didn’t trade it. Luckily, I did.
After my head was ringing all morning, the telephone took over and one of my contacts tells me there are some big sellers coming into the market around 2pm and there’s going to be a run on the euro.
But here’s the trick…
Right now the market is playing out like everything’s positive…
Part-time traders following your typical, short-term day-trading strategies and all the idiots following easily-fooled ‘forex bots’ are looking at the charts and getting ready to buy.
You let them carry on. But all the time you know that this seller is coming in around 2pm and when he or she does, the euro price is going to plummet.
So, there’s only one way it plays out:
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And there you are. Thanks to the tip-off, you go against ALL the part-time traders who were following the trend and you take ALL of their money.
I actually pocketed 190 points on this one trade.
And when you consider I trade at £30 a point on average… that’s £5,700 in my back pocket from one single tip-off.
Yes, it’s dirty. But would you rather be the one losing £5,700 or MAKING £5,700?
It’s a flipping obvious answer in my mind. YOU want to WIN.
Of course, chances are you’re not risking anywhere near £30 a point. I do because I make a living from this, but you’re only looking for a bit of extra cash right now.
And that’s fair enough…
I mean, 190 points in one trade… even at a straight-up £1 a point you’re up £190 in no time at all.
Do that once a week and you’re onto a winner. At that rate, you might even want to think about doing this on a more serious basis like me.
Right now though, I appreciate this might be a bit hard to swallow.
I understand that it isn’t pleasant to realise there are people out there playing the same game as you, but with different rules.
But it’s happening all the time:
“You spot the tip-off… you watch it start happening right in front of you… and then you set your trade up to profit from it”
Another morning, another tip-off spotted…
This time back in September and you’re on the Euro again, this time against the US dollar.
In the morning, there was a lot of talk that the European Central Bank (or the ECB as we call them) were going to leave interest rates on hold. They were 1.5% at the time.
This would likely cause another run on the euro.
Checking the charts though, there’s nothing but upside as part-time traders without this information are buying euro without a care in the world.
But the press conference starts… me and a few others – you can call us cheats if you want, I’m not fussed – we start selling and boom… down goes the euro against the dollar, and up goes my forex account to the tune of 210 points.
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At £30 a point, that’s a staggering £6,300 sweep.
Sure, it’s a real shame for any part-time traders who were bought into the euro, as many obviously were. But as I’ve said before and I’ll say again… forex trading isn’t about fair play…
When someone wins, someone else loses. That’s just the way it is. And everyone who places a trade should damn well know that.
Believe me, when you realise that this is how it is…
You’ll have much more success.
And don’t think this is just about short-selling, either.
There are many times when you might look out for a buy trade too…
I banked 90 points profit buying the British pound against the US dollar in April… 62 points profit buyingthe US dollar against the Japanese yen in March and another 184 points profit from the same pair a couple of days later.
You’ll soon realise that the one thing stopping you from profiting from forex is NOT that you’re trading the wrong currencies, it’s NOT that you’re choosing the wrong trend, and it’s NOT that you’re entering and exiting the market at the wrong levels…
I have no doubt you’re probably doing everything you should be doing based on the information you’ve got to hand.
The trouble is: you simply HAVE NOT got the right information.
You don’t know what money the market makers are planning to move that day… you don’t know what government officials are thinking of doing to get themselves out of a political fix… and you don’t know when private traders are considering taking over another hedge fund and need to take some money out of the market to do so…
In the underhand, dog-eat-dog world of forex trading, it’s not enough to count 20 points in one direction, 10 in the other and then check a moving average is going in the right direction.
Do that and you are begging to be robbed blind.
You NEED to know what is REALLY happening in the markets.
And yes, I am going to be the one to tell you exactly that.
But let’s be honest…
“Let’s kiss now so we can digest our food better…”
Have you ever seen the Woody Allen film, Annie Hall?
There’s a bit where he kisses the girl at the start of their date so they don’t have to feel awkward at the end of the night.
He figures it’ll help them digest their food better.
So, let’s do that…
Because I’m pretty sure you’re thinking this all sounds a bit rich, right?
OK. Maybe you’re thinking I’ve seen the light and I’m going to share this insight with you to clean my conscience of all the money I’ve made in the past.
Not likely.
Let’s get it straight…
I am NOT doing this out of the goodness of my own heart.
Sure, I’ll give you an unrestricted pass behind closed doors, but I’m NOT going to give you it for free.
This will cost you.
Not stupid money: I can get that elsewhere. I mean, despite making this offer, thousands of people will still carry on trading in the dark and I’ll take advantage of that all day long.
No… the reason I’m doing this is because this information has a value. Simple as that.
And because I’m not dumb: I want my cut.
Of course though, you don’t trust a word I’m saying. Or at least, you’re obscenely sceptical…
And that’s fair enough.
So, before I go any further and attempt to LIFT the wool from over your eyes just long enough for you to take some positive action…
Let me say this:
If you DO want to join me on the inside, if you want to discover how you can ‘trade dirty’ and get even with the city insiders who are literally playing the system to steal your money…
I will share this information for an entire month before you have to pay a penny.
On my life, I mean that.
I’ll explain how it works in a moment, but so we can have a frank discussion WITHOUT worrying about the awkward bit at the end…
I can tell you RIGHT NOW that you won’t have to pay me or anyone else ANY money today, or for the next 30 days.
You get to join me on the inside, take a look around for a whole month and then leave without risking a single penny.
Good. Because we’ve got limited time here and I don’t want you to think I’m screwing you over… there are much more important issues I need to cover so that you can see the full potential of what I’m willing to share with you today.
“Whether it’s the euro, the pound, the US dollar or even the world’s oldest currency – the market is ripe for these insiders”
This shows you exactly what I mean about you having the WRONG information…
You see, back in June last year, all the mainstream forex hacks couldn’t get enough of gold.
They loved the yellow stuff and when old ladies weren’t melting down their jewellery to get a piece of the action, part-time traders were being advised left, right and centre to use a bit of their forex pot to buy gold.
Not a bad idea, in principle…
Gold is a currency (it’s the world’s oldest currency!) and you often see correlations between moves in the euro, the US dollar and the pound.
So that month everyone’s buying it and the market’s heading up…
And that’s when I see – it’s all a set-up.
The price is inflated and aside from the mainstream thinking it’s going to keep rising forever, reports suggest that around the $1518.30 mark serious sellers are going to bring the price back down.
I sit there watching the market bounce around above the level and then a few days later, bam, there it is.
The game is up…
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The sellers have kicked-in and, just as my contacts and research suggested, the market plummets to $1505 and I bag 130 points profit.
While everyone who bought the ‘buy gold’ story is crying and wondering whether to hold on or take their money out…
I’m already long gone with £3,900 of their cash.
You would have won big time too. Even if you’d been in on this yourself for just £1 a point, you’d have still banked a £130 windfall in one afternoon.
Still, that’s nothing compared to what one of my readers made thanks to my advice. Just take a look at what they wrote in to tell me:
“It’s really refreshing to finally get a service that delivers! I’ve tried a few and yours has really turned my trading around. Using your advice has really given me some structure to my trading and in the last 4 weeks using your advice I have picked up some decent profits.
“My best trade has been on Gold. I went with your initial advice a few weeks back and placed an order to buy gold at 1680. Well I was a bit nervous on Friday as the price went through that level and looked like it might blow me out but I stayed in the trade and boy am I happy! I’m now up over 400 pips and locked into 300 (that’s £600 guaranteed).
“Thanks again and look forward to more profits.”
– HB, Kingston
Remember though, as I will keep saying: when someone wins, someone loses. And once again, because you had more information than
anyone else, YOU would have won here.
Look, I keep reminding you of that because it’s one of three very important facts you must remember about forex.
And if you want to start winning like this, listen up now…
Because this isn’t just about me letting you inside this inner circle and passing on the same insight I get on a daily basis so that YOU can
become a more successful trader.
You’ve got to do something which I can’t do for you…
You must change the way you THINK about forex trading.
Even armed with the information I’ll send directly to you as soon as I’ve got it myself, it’s simply not enough to GUARANTEE you’ll make money from trading.
I know it is nuts me putting you off like this, but I want to be honest and open.
To TRULY succeed in the world of forex, once you’ve got all the right information in front of you…
You must understand these three simple facts:
“Receiving my expert insight on a daily basis is one thing… but to truly profit from forex you must understand three things”
This isn’t fight club, so get that out of your head…
But IF I share this information with you – for a fair price – then you must trade on the same understanding that traders like myself do.
Otherwise, even when you receive a tip-off that a “rigged trade” is underway, you’ll still run the risk of exposing yourself to losses.
I personally don’t know any trader – and I’m talking about the type of trader here who makes tens of thousands of pounds a year – who
doesn’t understand the importance of these three facts.
They’re not difficult to understand. In fact, they couldn’t be simpler…
When you win, someone else loses;
Not making a trade can be as profitable as making one;
A profit is a profit, no matter how big.
Pretty straight-forward, right? Obvious, maybe? Even dumb. But by God, they are SO important.
You already get the first one because I’ve been hammering on about it since we started – that when your trade wins, someone else’s loses.
It’s important because it makes you realise that you’re not trading against some invisible force. It’s a stark reminder that you’re trading
against real people and losses do not happen because of magic or bad luck…
They happen because someone knows something that you don’t.
You might still be upset to realise that behind closed doors conversations are taking place and emails are being exchanged and deals are being struck… all by underhand traders aiming to leave YOU out of pocket…
And I guess I can sympathise to some extent.
BUT the fact is they are only doing it because THEY realised a long time ago that when someone wins, someone else loses.
They know that they’re not trading against invisible markets: they are trading against people. And therefore the only real way to win with forex, is to know MORE about what people are doing.
When you realise that, you realise why the information I’ll share with you holds such value.
You see, each day, Monday to Friday, I’ll not only be briefing you on exactly what’s going in the forex markets… I’ll be sharing the information I receive directly from bankers, city traders and market makers about what’s REALLY going on in the market that day.
This is information you simply cannot get elsewhere… but once you join me on the inside today, it’s yours: you’ll have a direct feed of
insight like no other.
However, this is just the first important realisation truly successful traders make. The second is equally important…
“Sometimes the best thing to do – is do absolutely NOTHING!”
Successful traders do NOT trade every day.
Sure, some days you’ll receive tip-offs that allow you to steal a 190 point profit by selling the euro against the pound…
Or raid a 210 point profit selling it against the US dollar…
Or even rob a 130 point profit selling gold because everyone else thinks you should be buying it.
And yeah, as a result of the insight I share with you, sometimes you’ll buy your way to a 90 point profit on the British pound… ride a rally
on the US dollar into a 62 point profit… and rack up another huge 184 point profit just a few days later.
But sometimes you’ll receive a tip-off to avoid the markets altogether.
This might be for any number of reasons…
Sometimes it’s down to the market being ‘washed’. This is when the big players are putting money in and taking it out again so frequently,
you’d be stupid to get involved.
Sometimes there are just so many people in the market, who don’t know what they’re doing, that it is impossible to predict if there are more buyers than sellers or vice versa. You’d be crazy to trade in these conditions.
And sometimes, it’s just that there isn’t anyone trading and the tiniest move in one direction could knock everything out. So many BAD traders say they’re looking for ultra-calmness in the markets, but that can be as bad as ultra-volatility.
Whatever the reason, if you trade at these times, you are bound to lose.
And that means a negative mark in YOUR trading account.
It’s a loss.
But I don’t like losses.
And that’s why, if you don’t like them either, you’ve got to realise that sometimes:
Not trading is more profitable than trading badly.
You get itchy though, don’t you? You feel that you’re missing out; that there’s an opportunity going astray somehow. I know the feeling, I
really do.
But that’s the thing, if it makes you feel better, you are still ‘trading’ even though you’re not placing an actual trade.
You see, you’ve looked at the best information available to you and decided the biggest profit you can take from the market is zero. That
might be the best decision you make because zero profit is still much bigger than a £1,000 loss… and it’s bigger than a £100 loss… and
it’s even bigger than £1 loss.
You get my point…
At least, I hope you do… I hope you’re nodding along in agreement with me… because it is so importantthat on the days I leak information to you that suggests you should stay out of the market…
And whatever you do, DON’T place a trade just because some dumb-ass strategy that counts a few points one way and then another works out there’s a 72% chance of a profit if x equals y and q starts dating z at 8pm on a Thursday or something similarly stupid.
That way lays madness.
But when I start briefing you on exactly what’s going in the forex markets…
When each morning you receive the information I receive directly from bankers, city traders and market makers about
what’s REALLY going on in the market that day…
When you have this information that you simply cannot get elsewhere…
You will be in a much stronger position than you EVER have been before… and even if you do carry on using those kinds of strategies, at
least you’ll know which days to seriously ignore them and save yourself a few losing trades.
Indeed, the third thing you must finally understand if you are to truly benefit from the incredibly valuable information I’m going to share with you…
If you really want to stop losing money in the forex market and start making it…
This is key!
And it’s perhaps the most obvious advice of all:
“A profit is a profit… no matter if it’s £1,000, £100 or just £1, if you finish every day in the black you will make money”
OK. You’re scoffing like it’s obvious…
You’re calling me out saying, “of course you will, you idiot!”
It stands to reason that a profit is a profit is a profit and whether you make £1 or £1,000; so long as you stay in the black each day then
you will make money.
Yes… it IS obvious and I’m glad you understand that.
But the sad truth is, in the past you might have been brain-washed by hype systems and strategies that promise you’ll unlock a ‘secret’
about forex.
You’re led by these hacks to believe the market is a mythical bloody beast that steals money and hides it in thin air.
And what’s even scarier is that you’re led to believe that by counting 20 points one way and then 10 points the other and checking the
moving average with where the moon is at that time or some other nonsense… you might discover this ‘secret’ to forex.
It sounds funny now, sure.
At least, it’s funny until you lose a shedload of money and the government start putting more and more restrictions in place which make it harder for serious traders who want to use forex to generate a real second income.
But as I say, I’m not looking to help you make money out of any moral desire to help YOU in particular.
I’m not looking to ‘right’ the system. Forex can stay corrupt for all I care – it suits me fine.
And you might as well know now that I’m not fussed if you decide to take my advice or not.
You can carry on losing money and I’ll carry on winning. Not a problem.
The way I see it – as I said before – if I give you this information for a fair price then you make a bit more money, I make a bit more money and no one who isn’t already losing money loses any more.
That’s MY motivation: to make a bit more money using the information I’m in possession of.
And you must remember that I don’t lose anything by doing this… apart from the half an hour trading time I’m missing to write this
invitation. And I can live with that.
So look, if you’re coming in on this…
You’ve got to know that when someone wins, someone always loses…
You’ve got to realise that sometimes it’s more profitable not to trade…
And you’ve got to understand it doesn’t matter how much you make from day to day… it’s just the fact that you DO make money and you don’t let money go down the drain when you don’t have to.
If you’re ready to start thinking like this, then you’ve already won half the battle. Now it’s a case of getting on the inside.
And that’s where I come in…
“I’ve been ‘gagged’ since I left the City, but now – for the first time – I can give you unrestricted access that people literally pay thousands for…”
Frankly I don’t want to spend too long talking about myself…
But there are some things you should know so that you can see I’m not messing about here.
My name is Tom Tragett and it’s a pleasure to meet you. Unless of course you still think I’m not serious about this, in which case: shove
off, I thought I’d already told you to stop reading?
Anyway, like I said from the outset, I know how the forex markets work and I know that there are city insiders playing against you for the
simple reason… I was one of them.
In fact, I worked in ‘the City’ for more than 30 tiresome years – why’d you think I’ve gone grey?
I’ve worked for distinguished international organisations like the First National Bank of Maryland, Berliner A.G, The Long-Term Credit Bank
of Japan and RZB Austria, as both a trader and a manager, so as you can imagine, I know a fair bit about this game.
And yeah, I’ve made a fair few bob, too.
That’s partly why, in 2004, I walked away from the City. It wasn’t really that I’d had enough; it’s just that I didn’t really need anyone else
anymore. I could do it myself and figured: why the hell not?
Since then, as well as trading for myself on a full-time basis, I’ve been managing money for a handful of private clients as well as advising a small circle of part-time traders on how to trade the forex markets.
Even so, I’ve had my hands tied really. With all the crap hitting the fan economically, the heavy-handed government have let the regulators get a bit too big for their boots… and, in my opinion, it’s all just a bit bloody childish.
But today, that’s going to change. From now on it’s no holds barred and I’m not going to keep this information I’m sat on quiet any longer.
Providing you’re willing to pay a fair price for it – I’m not running a charity for troubled forex traders here – I will give you access to
information that people – including myself – are literally paying thousands of pounds for.
I will tell you on a daily basis what is REALLY happening in the forex markets…
I’m talking about revealing traders who are pumping money into a currency, or pulling it out…
I’m talking about which market-makers look to be fixing prices to mislead the day traders…
And I’m talking about what City bankers and traders are doing behind the scenes so that you can take advantage and give yourself a trading edge.
Plus, I will give you the trading knowledge you need to be able to spot trades that will pocket you 190 points profit from selling the euro against the pound, or trades that will bank you a huge 210 point payday from exploiting a strong dollar, or even trades that will boost your account by 130 points thanks to gold, when everyone else is losing their head.
But I realise that’s me saying, so here’s an email (in full) that I received from one of the regular people who are already receiving my advice:
“This is really brilliant and I’m not just providing faceless praise. The reason it is so good is:
“a) When you are new, you can either get overwhelmed or suffer analysis paralysis when trying to see the woods through the trees. This allows you to look at the markets with the right lens (30 years) even though you are less than a year into your journey (well, I am).
“b) It puts the flesh on the bones, ie market movements are explained so what was previously seen as random bouts of luck going against you can now be put down to hedge funds or institutions stop loss hunting around levels they know retail traders would more have likely placed their stop loss.
“c) Although you’re not telling or advising explicitly, when someone who has been in the Forex wars mentions he will stand aside, it gives novices an indication on how to play that particular currency if they are brave enough to.
“d) Not to mention the comprehensive write up that is worded in layman’s terms so all levels can understand the gist.
“Good work once again.”
– T Baiden, Croydon
So look, if you don’t beleive my followers and if you don’t believe me, well…
You can either sling-your-hook and stop wasting both of our times…
OR you can be clever about it and get your name down to receive my insight for 30 days to see what it’s really like.
You can FINALLY get your own back on the city insiders who are literally playing the system to take your money.
But having told you it’s all fixed, and on the basis that I’ve already told you quite a lot about how to become a more successful trader…
Why do you actually need me?
“It has taken more than 30 years to gather my contacts and it costs me thousands to get such insight you simply cannot get elsewhere”
Look, I’ve thought about reasonable objections you might have about taking my advice…
A good reason why you wouldn’t at least see what my insight is like for 30 days…
I mean, the fact that you don’t have to pay anything seems to put any immediate objection out the window. It would if I were in your shoes, anyway.
But when I think beyond the 30 days, past the point when you will need to pay a fair price to receive this information… what would be your
objection then?
Well, you accept there’s something dodgy going on in the forex markets – you get that now and it makes sense… you get that when you win in forex, someone has to lose… and you know inherently that it’s better to win than lose… so that’s not a valid reason to not give this a
chance and see how it can help YOUR trading.
I wonder then if it’s me… if you just don’t trust me.
That’s fair enough, I guess. As I said at the start, you bloody well should be sceptical of what I’m saying because otherwise you’d be a fool. The fact is I don’t want you to just take this at face value. At the moment we’re in a Catch 22 situation… I know you can trust me and
you want to trust that what I’m telling you is true, but right now it’s just words on a page.
So that’s why…
I’ve set this up from the outset so that if you DO want to join me on the inside, if you want to discover how you can ‘trade dirty’ and start competing on a level playing field with the city insiders who are currently playing the system to take your money…
I will give you AN ENTIRE MONTH before you have to pay a penny.
And to go one further – as a sign of my trust and respect – once you’ve received my insight for 30 days and you’ve made a decision to continue receiving it… I’ll give you ANOTHER 60 DAYS to change your mind and request a full and complete refund of the money you’ll pay.
That essentially gives you 90 DAYS to receive my advice with no risk.
Doing that benefits me and you both. It takes away that Catch 22 problem.
But still… what other objections can there be… I really do wonder what would prevent someone who is trading forex (at any level, full-time or part-time) from wanting to receive such valuable insight on a daily basis… insight that could change the very way you trade?
It must only be price.
But consider this:
Each month I pay approximately £2,000 for something called a ‘Bloomberg Terminal’.
This, as you may know already, is a computer that is constantly being fed live market data. It’s the same bit of kit they have in all major
financial institutions…
But I have one in my study. Weird, I know.
On top of this, each month I pay £120 for something called Ransquawk.
This is an audio news alert that I can have running in my study so that I don’t have to keep my eyes glued on rolling news alerts.
In addition to this, I have Reuters live chat running too.
This is actually free and you can probably get it set up. But there will be one MAJOR difference…
I have countless contacts set up in London, Europe and New York. These are people from my days in banking and insiders I’ve developed over years of trading. As you can imagine, these contacts are priceless…
And Christ, can you begin to imagine the bar tabs and dinner bills I’ve had to pick up over the years to keep this lot sweet. It’s cost me a small fortune, I can tell you.
But anyway, I also have specific SMS text alerts set up to get news from a few select ‘market-movers’ and essential chart feeding software that costs around £200 per month.
I have two trading platforms set up continuously and CNBC on a large flat screen television running almost 24/7 with Virgin broadband set up and a BT line running as a spare, so that if one fails I can still access the markets. In fact, I have to pay extra each month on power so that I can run four PCs without compromising platform speeds.
Yes, it’s ridiculous. And you’re probably shocked enough by the fact I pay £2,000 – yes, two thousand pounds – A MONTH… to have the same live data feed that major banks and trading houses use. I realise the rest seems a bit overkill after that.
All in all, I pay out about £3,000 a month just for live forex information.
Add to that the insight I receive from traders, bankers and market movers in London, Europe and New York and you can pretty much double the value of the information that’s flooding in.
You’re looking at around £6,000 worth of data filling my study EACH MONTH.
But look, I don’t tell you all of this for no good reason…
I tell you because this is why I make a living from forex trading.
And it’s why I think £197 a year is a fair price for me to leak this VERY SAME information to you on a daily basis.
Take a moment to think about that…
All I’m asking is that, if, after 30 days of me sharing this insight, you decide you want to continue receiving it…
You’ll pay just £197 to be kept in the loop for an ENTIRE year.
For £6,000 of information, you’ll have to pay less than £17 a month. Earlier on when I said I’d charge you a fair price, this is what I was talking about. And frankly, if you don’t think that is a fair price, then you’re living in a dream world.
I’m sorry, but the value you’re getting here is far, FAR greater that the cost.
Even so, I’m willing to go one step further…
“Claim your risk-free 30 day trial in the next 24 hours and you’ll receive an immediate 50% discount for the first year of your membership to my inside circle”
Look, I’m not a sentimental guy…
But the way I see it, you’ve already invested a lot of time in me by listening to what I have to say and I appreciate that. You’re not one of those people who just dismisses things out of hand because they’re too scared to hear the truth.
In fact, I’ve been damn rough with you at times. But I have been like that because I don’t want to mess around here: it’s a serious matter.
Whether you like it or not, city insiders all around the world ARE screwing you over and happily taking the bit of extra cash that you’re
putting into forex in the hope of making a bit more to spend on the things you want in life.
That is a serious matter, right?
I mean, you only have to look at what one of my followers who’s trading was a ‘disaster’ before he started receiving my advice:
“I am a complete novice re trading forex. I have been running a demo account for a while, with pretty disastrous results. However, since [joining you] I seem to have turned the corner, and am banking small but fairly consistent profits. I find your newsletter easy to understand, without being overwhelmed with too much information at once. Thanks for your guidance.”
– R. Atkinson, Southampton
Thanks to the insight he’s getting from me, he’s turned disaster into real, TANGIBLE profits.
So, here’s the deal…
Because you’re giving this some thought…
Because you’ve listened to the three forex truths that I shared with you earlier and you’ve taken them on board…
And because I make enough money so that such a discount won’t affect me too badly in the short-term…
For the first year of your membership, you’ll only pay £97.
That’s an immediate 50% discount… and it means you’ll be privy to all of the information I’m going to share with you on a daily basis for less than 27 pence a day.
When you think about it like that, I think it’s a fair deal.
You see, when I start sending you this insight direct to your inbox on a daily basis, the lights will suddenly turn on and you’ll no longer feel like you’re being kept in the dark…
During your completely risk-free 30 day trial, you’ll see just how much information has been held back from you in the past…
Just how much is really going on in the forex markets…
And just how much money you could have lost if you’d carried on as normal without joining my inner circle today.
From now on, I’ll be keeping you TRULY INFORMED on a daily basis…
But that’s not all…
“WARNING: What you’ll receive includes sensitive trading data that should NOT be shared with anyone outside or eveninside your family”
As well as rigging the markets on a short-term basis to take advantage of misled day traders and mindless forex bots…
It won’t surprise you to learn that insiders are up to no good over longer time-frames too!
Where there is an opportunity, these insiders will take it. Wouldn’t you?
In fact, by keeping a trade running over a much longer time frame – of say a couple of weeks or even a month or two – you’re able to pocket very nice profits with very little risk.
That’s why, as well as keeping you informed of what’s really going on in the forex markets on a daily basis with what I’ve named my Forex Insider Daily email alert…
If you decide to join my inner circle after your 30 day risk-free trial, you’ll also receive a special report I put together for my own private clients.
It’s called The Insider Quarterly Report. But we refer to it as IQ for short. It comes strictly password protected and tracked to each reader, so I ask you NOT to pass this on or jeopardise the sensitive trading data it contains in anyway.
In the report, which you’ll receive at the end of each financial quarter, I’ll be rounding up what’s happened in the previous three months, I’ll be dissecting the raw information and tip-offs I’ve received for long-term trades and I’ll be offering you the best options going forward.
In the IQ, you’ll also discover a special analysis of each of the major currency pairs, which includes:
The key levels of support and resistance to look out for – if you see that these are being triggered, it’s more than likely that a rigged trade will follow as these are the very levels that major banks and market makers are looking out for too;
Where to set stop losses on every trade to ensure you’re not caught out by the city insiders –including the market-makers themselves –
who will adjust the market just enough to knock you out of the trade and take your money. It’s audacious, I know, but it happens all the time;
How the possible outcomes of forthcoming major economic and political news will affect the market and what trades you should look at making to best take advantage of how the city insiders will react to the trends that form as a result.
To be honest, the IQ will be a massive bonus to you as a member. It could help you make some of the best forex trades you’ll make all year…
I’m talking here about low-risk trades that you can just leave running without worrying about monitoring them every night before you go to bed, or adjusting the entry and exit each morning whilst you’re busy with the kids.
And as I say, I’ll generate a protected and personalised copy of the IQ for you each quarter for no extra cost. Even though the report itself is worth far more than the regular membership I’m offering you today, I’ll include the IQ as a gesture of goodwill.
But look, that really is as far as I’ll go…
I mean, offering a 50% discount for the first year and including a copy of the IQ in the cost… I’m in danger of being nice, and I don’t want to give you the wrong impression.
So to stop me going any further, it’s time to put the ball in your court.
You must remember that it doesn’t really make much difference to me what you decide to do – if you join me today, it’s a bit of extra cash
for me, if not, I’ll make money on a trade later on. That’s NOT the issue here.
What really matters is what happens to YOU from now on.
You know now that behind the scenes conversations are taking place… there are emails are being sent between insiders in London,
Europe and New York… and there are deals being struck by city traders all over the world…
And they are all being done to stop regular traders like you from making money…
They are being done to actually TAKE your money… to effectively STEAL it from you and leave you out of pocket.
It has nothing to do with ‘fairness’…
It’s just that these people realise that in forex:
For you to win, someone has to lose.
To make sure that from now on you are on the winning side, I’m inviting you RIGHT NOW to join this inner circle… to come behind the scenes… and to become privy to information that most traders simply cannotafford.
“Remember, you don’t have to pay a SINGLE penny to me or anyone else today: just receive my daily insight directly to your inbox and use it to help your trading”
I can’t stress enough…
Today you won’t have to pay me or anyone else ANY money.
And I can guarantee that you won’t have to pay a penny for my advice for the next 30 days either.
You simply get to join me on the inside, take a look around for a whole month and then leave without risking a single penny.
From a technical point of view, it’ll work like this…
At the bottom of this page you’ll have two options:
You can either secure a 30 day risk-free trial with direct debit, which means you won’t pay anything today…
Or you can choose to forgo the 30 day trial and pay for your annual membership today by credit card.
If you do choose to take that second option, though the discounted membership cost will leave your account today, you’ll STILL have 90 days to decide if receiving my daily forex insight is valuable to you. If you don’t think it is, just let my publisher know and you’ll get a full refund.
However, I would recommend you take the direct debit option, as it means you don’t need to pay anything today and therefore means you really can receive my insightful emails on a daily basis, Monday to Friday, without having to risk a penny.
Yes, you do need to pop you details in still… but this is just so that I’m able to take the payment in 30 days’ time if you do wish to continue
being a member of my insider circle.
If you don’t wish to continue, just let my publisher know and the direct debit details will be securely disposed of and absolutely no money will leave your account.