Some say price action also includes volume and the level 2 "top-of-book", and many price action traders will include indicators such as moving averages in their analysis, and others again will also depend on price patterns such as Japanese Candlestick or Edwards & Magee formations. Some traders who would not class themselves as price action traders often use price action to complement their main tools.
While price action has existed since the first market opened, and early traders on the stock exchanges who read the tape obviously used price action to help make their trading decisions - read chapter 1 of the Jesse Livermore book referred to below - there isn't that much literature detailing profitable trading strategies based on price action, except the Al Brooks books (also see below).
In brief, a successful price action trader will study the market intensively and internalise the meaning and weight of a selected subset of price action in terms of its likely effect on future price movement. A certain type of price action behaviour will trigger bearishness or bullishness. That price action might be made of multiple small signals, or just one very glaringly obvious big one.
To define the exact methodology a trader uses is just as impossible as it is to describe how an art expert knows how to judge a real Old Master from a fake, or how a firefighter knows to get out of a burning building seconds before the roof collapses. The trader might not even be conciously aware of some of the input. This is learnt by experience from the market. Commonly quoted advice states that a trader requires five thousand hours of experience to become an expert.
It is notoriously difficult to define and categorise a list of price action behaviours. Since this is a wiki which can be easily edited, the rest of the article will lay out, in whatever order makes itself apparent, a series of examples of price action illustrating the principles involved and where possible an explanation in terms of other market participants (i.e. the bulls and the bears), their decisions, order flow and supply and demand.
Price Action Analysis
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Here is an example of a trend that usually never happens ("a perfect trend").
A perfect trend
Normally in the face of ever-fluctuating supply and demand, a trend will move in a series of pushes seperated by pull-backs.
Although price action traders generally assume that nothing can be strictly defined, this doesn't prevent them from giving it their best shot. The primary method for defining a trend is through the turning points or swings, referred to as "swing highs" and "swing lows", or higher highs "HHs" and lower lows "LLs". A bull trend will have alternating higher swing highs and higher swing lows - HH's and HL's (higher lows) - and a bear trend will have lower swing highs and lower swing lows - LH's and LL's (LH = lower highs).
Swing points (high or low) can be defined in their own way in varying fashion. A swing high is a high price preceeded by a certain minimum length of time and followed by a certain minimum length of time. A swing low is analogous. For example on a bar chart, a swing high could be any bar with 2 adjacent bars to the left whose highs are lower than the swing bar's high, and similarly 2 adjacent and lower bars to the right. It could be 3 or 5 or any number of bars instead of 2, but the more bars used for the definition, the fewer the swing points created.
![]() EURUSD3MinTrendSwings |
Virtually every trend will often 'break' its swing count as this one does at 12:30 by putting in a lower low rather than a higher low. After a break like that, this time the trend carried on, making a new HH. Otherwise the trader would start to reconsider the predicted direction. This is illustrated in the chart "counting swings".
Lance Beggs of YTC (see link below) defines a mechanical rule to determine a break of the trend or the swing count as the point at which the market makes - e.g. in a bull trend - a lower low than the HL (higher low) that led to the current HH. And vice-versa for bear trends.
Sticking rigidly to the definition is something that can be done by a computer. Indicators can be programmed to place the chart mark-up at each swing point. However smaller breaks occur e.g. at 12:30 on this chart where the market makes a lower high. A human trader can ignore such a little anomaly and keep the count going - a computer can't, or at least would require a lot more lines of code and processing power.
Here are some of the chief characteristics of different types of trend:
perfect sine-wave trends with regular pull-backs - this rarely happens - the chart "counting swings" is an example of something that comes as close to that as it gets (at least for forex). Not only is the swing count fairly extended with few breaks, the reversals into and out of pull-backs will be nicely symetrical, the bars on the chart will show few tails except at reversals, there won't be any chop and any acceleration or deceleration of the trend will be smooth and regular at the start and the end.
strong trends are characterised by big bars and brief pull-backs and rarely fit entirely onto one chart screen. A strong trend can commence through acceleration as the trend builds or straight off from a break-out. The adjacent chart "strong trend" is typical. It may often end in a "blow-off top" or "climactic top" where all market participants thinking with-trend are drawn into the market in a final surge and the trend ends as the last traders enter and no more with-trend pressure is left, resulting in either consolidation or a reversal.
weak trends are best defined as markets where there has been a visible movement, i.e. opening and closing prices are far apart, but where all other definitions fail - the swing count is broken, there is too much choppy action, there are too many bars with tails, smaller child trends accelerate and decelerate, pull-backs are large and long-lasting, etc.
accelerating trends become stronger and stronger as in the adjacent chart ("Accelerating trend").
decelerating trends are usually dying trends, where any strength in the trend tails off with each push and each push gets successively shorter to the point where it becomes obvious the trend has become sideways or even reversed.
choppy trends: typically have a lot of pull-backs, a constantly breaking swing high / swing low count, lots of tails, a mix of sharp reversals and rounded turn-arounds. This chart "Choppy trend" shows a choppy sell-off that made 100 points.
Many traders pay close attention to the number of pushes and pull-backs in a trend, especially day traders observing a child trend during the day. Pushes, or the push and the subsequent pull-back, are also called legs, and a trader may come to expect a particular number of legs depending on the market, especially 2 or 3 legs, before the trend finishes and goes into consolidation or retrace mode
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Ranges and Consolidation
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Strong moves often result in a subsequent period with very little movement, as seen on this chart ("Ranging market") in EUR/USD after several days of strong rally.
EUR/USD only moved 80 points all day, despite volatility at the 3min timeframe.
When the bulls and the bears are either evenly balanced and supply equals demand, or when they both dry up in indecision, and price halts and confines its movement to a very small range, that's a stall, as on the accompanying chart "Stalling at S/R"
The trader who already has a bias for the future direction can use the stall as a low risk entry point - it's low risk because the protective stop can be placed really close on the opposite side of the stall to the predicted direction.
The stall doesn't have to be a tiny range, it can be a bit bigger and looks like a solid block of bars on the chart, either all heavily overlapping range bars (as at 08:00 on the next chart - "More stalls") or overlapping dojis (as at 08:30).
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Depending on the market, a few, several or practically half of all moves will be immediately preceeded by an attempt to go the other way which fails.
Breakout failure
EURUSD 1.2800
This example shows the EURUSD interacting with resistance at 1.2800. The preceeding strong bull market decelerated massively into the 1.2790s and then proceeded to make higher lows, with big spikes in-between deomonstrating good supply above 1.2800 which repeatedly drove price back down - although each time a new high was made.
Just as the new higher low looks like it's about to be made just under 1.2800, the market breaks and the bears look like they have surprisingly won the battle - but after stalling, it turns around and powers through the resistance after all.
The last chart shows EUR/USD in European trading breaking out of the range set in the Asian session. It tries both directions and fails each way before making a successful break-out.
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Tails are an artefact of the bar chart or candlestick chart and are the top from the higher of either the bar open or close to the high of the bar, or the lower tail, from the lower of either the open or the close to the low of the bar. When a tail is significantly larger than average, e.g. the lower tail, it is evidence that demand is pushing price back to the open of the bar and is generally bearish. A sequence of bars with lower tails is stronger evidence, and a sequence of bars with tails breaking support or resistance levels is sign that the market does not accept price being on the other side of that level. When the level of supply or demand begins to decline, the tails reduce and any S/R level will become fragile. EURUSD3MinTails.jpg
When a period of trading shows bars with large numbers of tails in both directions, it's referred to as chop. Where there are several overlapping Dojis, especially InsideBars, in sequence, it is referred to as Barb Wire.
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Supply and demand fluctuate as market participants go about their business with the result that even at the highest time frame, price in a free market will oscillate irregularly backwards and forwards. Each point where the market changes direction is technically a reversal. EURUSD3MinReversalBar.jpg We already have definitions of swing points, SwingHigh and SwingLow and swing points can take various forms on a spectrum between a perfect V shape with one bar only penetrating alone many points away from the market before and after, to a regular U shape which displays a smooth curving change of direction over many bars. [wikiimage]EURUSD3MinUturn.jpg|160px|thumb|border|right|Sweeping turn-around[/wiki]
When the market puts in a symmetrical formation at either end of that spectrum, e.g. a perfect one bar reversal with a long tail or a long sweeping turn-around, then traders feel safe making their predictions of that to carry on. In reality what we usually see is something in-between.
Inside Bar Break-outs
A well-known entry trigger is the inside bar break-out strategy. A small InsideBar which appears at the top or bottom of very large bar is unexpected - the market has just experienced great volatility and has surged in one direction, but now with the inside bar, demonstrates indecision as the market participants collectively pause to make a decision whether this large move should continue or reverse. Whichever way the market moves, it is likely to continue with similar momentum shown in the previous bar. EURUSD3MinInsideBarBreakout.jpg
It may fail, and the market might come straight back after moving only a short way in one direction, but it is mostly just as good a risk to take the loss and go with the opposite break-out.
Basic Price Action Reading
Reading price action seems easy enough to understand - read what price is doing on a chart at any given time. Is it going up, is it going down or is it going sideways? So what advantage is there to this and why would you want to do it? Well simply put you’re looking for opportunity. You’re looking for an edge to make a profit.
Price action reading in hindsight, meaning after the fact, is relatively easy to master – even seconds after the fact. But, you do not profit this way as you cannot trade this way. You need to attain an understanding or a feel for what is occurring in the now, understand what potentially is causing the price action to unfold as it is before your eyes and doing so sub-consciously. The goal is to read price action as you would the words in a book. Reading words, sub-consciously you form understanding and ideas; the goal is to think this same way when reading price action.
Trading is easy, push the go long or go short button, see if you make a profit, if not exit. You could just enter at any location, but that would be more in line with gambling – lay your money down and see what happens. That approach is doomed to failure. If you have no idea of a stop loss-profit target (risk reward ratio), no judgment as to what is occurring in the market, no insight into who is in control - you really have no chance for success.
Reading price action and understanding market context go hand in hand. As for example with news releases, the market context typically includes exceptionally wide and volatile swings. Review the ES or 6E futures charts at 10:00EST and notice how volatile that time of day can be. Scheduled reports are routinely released at that time. The close of a market is also another crazy time to trade. If you cannot hold overnight you must exit your position before the market close. Those who can hold over night will be glad to help you exit your positions. Successful traders have a firm grasp of market context. Major and minor swings, number of traders in the market, type of traders in the market, time of day, time of week, time of month, time of year , trending or trade range, – all of these and more make up market context.
The best entries have obvious risk and reward price points which can be used as stop loss and profit targets. Look back on any chart and identify these locations. You know the ones, where you say, If I had entered here and had a stop loose there, look how far this trade would have run. Once identified, study the bars just before the obvious entry location – those are the price action patterns you want to learn to identify allowing you to prepare for the entry. Also with the prior bars, pay particular attention to the potential obvious stop loss and profit target areas. Keep these locations in mind should the market should prove you right and warrant an entry. Plan your trade and trade your plan.
Validating entry locations includes understanding the trade’s risk:reward ratio. Subconsciously learn how to calculate the risk:reward ratio. Many trading methods use this value as an entry guideline– why risk more than you can be rewarded by? One rule of thumb is a 1:3 minimum. Not all approaches follow this rule so regimentally. With trading, things are very dependent on market context. Some methods I have studied use stop losses as catastrophic stop loses and such stop losses are hit only in extremely rare occurrence the market does something crazy. Using a catastrophic stop loss, the trade is managed once initiated, but a profit target is always known/set in advance. Scaling in/out can also be incorporated allowing you to fund a “free” runner trade. For example, once you make profit to cover your initial risk, you exit a portion and let the remainder run with the market while managing the trade stop loss accordingly.
By reading price action, you learn to understand where such entry locations are likely to begin and why. It is absolutely impossible to always be correct in your read; nothing works every time because the market context is never the same. More importantly anything can happen at any given moment. There will be times when the absolute best setup simply does not work out. There will also be times when the market takes off for no reason what so ever. A fine line exists between the prediction of market movement (which is impossible in my opinion) and reacting expediently to what is unfolding before you (if the market is behaving in line with how you are reading it). Reading price action and reacting as needed requires extreme confidence in one’s self.
It is critically important to have an opinion on is who is in control. Why, because it provides a base from which to measure. Is this a bull market or a bear market or a trading range? In review of charts, it is easy to see who was in control, but as already stated you do not trade in hindsight. The sooner you establish who is in control the sooner you can trade on the “right” side of the market. Examples of the right side of the market are: going long at the end of a pullback in an uptrend, going short at the end of a rally in a down trend or buying low and selling high in a trading range.
The standard candle stick bar provides insight as to who was/is in control for the period of the bar. A candle stick bars has a high, low, open and close value. If the close is above the open, the bar is an up bar. If the close is below the open, it is a down bar. Looking at a common 5 minute chart, a large bar that has no tails or wicks is obviously bullish if it is an up bar and bearish if it is a down bar. This fact alone provides insight into who was in control for the duration of the bar.
The tails of the bars provide valuable information as well. If the distance from the high of the bar to the open or close of the bar is significantly larger than the body ( the body is the distance between the open and close) , the top of the candle will have a top tail or wick. I use the term tail and wick interchangeably; it just means there is a line that extends from the top, bottom or both sides of the candle. A large top wick means the bulls pushed price up to the high, but then the bears took control and pushed the price back down. Conversely if the bar has a relatively large bottom tail it signifies the bears pushed price down to the low only to have the bears gain control and push price back up. Now consider a bar that has a relatively large bottom tail, no top wick and is an up bar – this bar is very bullish. Conversely if a bar has a relative tall top tail and is a down bar, it is very bearish. Knowing how to interpret the orientation of candle stick bars aids tremendously in determining who is in control. Some say the tale is in the tails – long bottom tails indicate buyers, long top tails (wicks) means sellers. But again, you must understand market context. For example given two bars, if the previous bar has a large top tail and the current bar has the large bottom tail – are the bulls in control?
Understanding how the market works greatly aids in determining who is in control. The market utilizes two basic types of orders – booked orders (such as limit orders) and market orders (filled when they arrive at the exchange). Yes there are variations, but at a basic level there are orders on the book and orders filled when placed. Why is this important to know? Booked orders cannot be filled by other booked orders. Booked orders can only be filled by market orders. Thus, traders placing market orders can be readily and correctly identified as the aggressive traders.
If price is dropping that means trades are occurring at the bid (the price someone is willing to buy at, yes buy at). The aggressor is the seller in this case, the initiator of the trade is a seller. Conversely if price is rising, trading is occurring at the ask (the price someone is willing to sell at). Aggressive traders sell at the bid and buy at the ask. You can test this – during a slow time, to avoid slippage, and in simulation mode, place a market buy order and see what price you get filled at (note what the bid and ask are when you enter) and conversely do the same with a sell. Another way to think of it, if you want to enter the market long and don’t care about price, are you going to get the lower or higher price? If you don’t care and you go long, you’re going to pay the higher price. The ask is higher than the bid. Aggressive traders, traders who initiate a trade, sell at the bid and buy at the ask. This fact provides the basis for a tangible metric to aid in determining who is in control.
If price thrusts downward who is in control? You might say well dah, the sellers are. But guess what, at the start of a large down move and a large reversal, the charts will look exactly the same – a thrust downward. Force yourself to determine/pick who is in control, based on what you read from the chart – this judgment needs to become a habit. Always have an opinion of who is in control. So what If you’re proven wrong, when proven wrong you still end up knowing who is in control.
There can be and many times is a difference between the aggressor and who is in control.
I have come to think of the heard as the aggressor. The herd is the vast majority who are trading. Think of stampeding cattle. What gets them all aggressive and moving in one direction? Who controls the heard? There are stories of getting the heard all fired up, running full steam ahead only to fall off a cliff to their death. So if the heard are the aggressors, who is it that is in control? More importantly how can you determine the sentiment of who is in control?
Many times more than not, the aggressor is not in control. Many times the aggressor represents the laggards – always late to the party and rushing in chasing the market.
Take for example a price drop that plummets 10 ticks in seconds on high volume. Imagine all the trades that must have occurred, all the orders filled for this to occur. Then you see price stop at a value it has stopped at before, to the exact tick. The exact same price point hit, just a few minutes ago. Ask yourself, with heavy volume and the thousands of traders in the market – how is it that price stopped to that exact tick? Is this a random occurrence? Look back to the left of a chart to aid in what is occurring on the right hand side of the chart. Review your charts to see what happens the majority of the time when you get a double bottom (DB matching lows) or double tops (DT matching highs). Who is in control on these locations? This type of action appears almost magical, price tries to move past some value but the move/attempt is repeatedly rejected. On a 5 minute bar you can see the intra-bar movement repeatedly hitting that low, but it simply will not pass that value. In this example down thrust, someone sells and someone immediately buys. No matter how much selling volume there is, all the sell orders are instantly bought up. No way is this random. Knowing how the market works, the aggressors are trying to go lower, but for some reason the market won’t go down. The heard is being re-directed by the controllers.
And with that said, also consider the vastness of the market, so many traders with their own agenda. Recall it was stated that nothing works all the time. In review of charts, take note of what happens when a DT or DB location fails to hold.
You have undoubtedly have heard “the trend is your friend”. Well who is in control in a trend? You want to be on their side and you want to be in control too.
You read price action to ascertain who is in control
You read price action to learn where the laggards are as they become “trapped traders”